7pm Fringe

Fringe Plays  all Fringe performances are 45 minutes in length and are held in Prithvi House beginning at 7PM

CUT (English, Ahmedabad)
Tuesday December 11th
Reality, abstraction and everything in between. ‘Cut’ chases characters as they scurry through their lives and relationships, speaking of betrayal in a raw, yet sensitive context.

GHUSHI (Marathi, Nagpur)
Wednesday December 12th
How soon is it, before a relationship of hatred becomes a poisonous and inextricable binding force? ‘Ghushi’ explores this through the tense and hateful equation between a widowed woman and her late husband’s mistress

LOVE DAY LOOT (Marathi, Bombay)
Thursday December 13th
Love in the cyber age. Can you trust love that only flies in cyberspace? The play deals with an individual’s feelings and their validity in the age of technology.

A GOOD PLAY (English, Calcutta)
Friday December 14th
The unsung heroes of the theatre: production, backstage managers, spot boys- ‘A Good Play’ celebrates them all.